And about ‘Manatha’, the third one.
Latha, Uzza, and Manatha were the three idols that the Arabs during the period of Messenger Muhammed were worshipping. They were three saints lived some years before them. Through this verse they are asked ‘the One-Allah-who caused to take their companion Muhammed to Masjidul Aqsa at Palestine in a night and from there to Firdous Paradise (Jannathul Ma’va), and after showing him from some of His signs and caused to bring back to the earth in the same night, the One who established on the throne in the Paradise, the Tyrant, the Lord of the universe, the One who has no comparison or similarity’ is actually deserved to be served or ‘the idols whom they have been serving are deserved to be served’.
The Fujjar who are reading these verses in Aarabic Qur’an are hiding and rejecting Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book from the Three Time Knower Lord. So they are denoted as the worst creatures among thousand communities of Lord’s creatures in the verses 8: 22 and 25: 34. These Mujirims who are serving Satan as told in verses 36: 59-62 will be entered in the Hellfire through any of the seven doors of it as explained in verse 15: 44. See explanation 9: 31, 67-68; 22: 78; and 48: 6.